Book Your Desired Dates

Find out if your preferred dates are available and secure your booking to enjoy a wonderful stay with us. Your perfect escape awaits!

Heaven's Rest Bed & Breakfast

Explore Room Availability

Welcome to Heaven’s Rest B&B’s availability page, where you can easily find and book your ideal room for your desired dates. Use the interactive calendars below to check the availability of our accommodations. Green highlighted days indicate that the room is available, while grey highlighted days indicate that the room is currently unavailable. By selecting your desired check-in date, you can initiate the seamless booking process. In the event that your preferred room or date is not available, we’re here to help you. Whether you have questions, need alternative options, or require personalized recommendations, just get in touch. To contact us directly, click the button below and reach out to our friendly team. Start your search now and secure your perfect stay with us.
Heaven's Rest B&B sign

Kakapo Wing Availability

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Tui Wing Availability

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Kea Cabin Availability

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Kererũ Cabin Availability

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Kiwi Cabin availability

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Farmhouse Availability

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Kakapo Wing Availability

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Tui Wing Availability

Kea Cabin Availability

Kererũ Cabin Availability

Kiwi Cabin availability

Farmhouse Availability

Contact Us For Your Availability Inquiries
We understand that finding the perfect room on your desired dates is essential. If your preferred room or dates are unavailable, don’t worry. Contact us through phone, email, WhatsApp, or chat, and we’ll go the extra mile to help you find suitable alternatives or provide personalised recommendations to ensure a fantastic stay at Heaven’s Rest B&B.
Heaven's Rest B&B Farmhouse frontal view with Kiwi Cabin left next to it